Virtual Assistants

AI Chatbots with Data Analytics

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What AI chatbots can do for your venture:

  • Save Time & Money.
  • They will save (or make money) by providing 24 hours/7 days a week customer service availability.
  • AI-powered Chatbots are virtual assistants.
  • AI Chatbots can free human customer service resources by acting as a filter for common inquiries from customers.

Their impact on business day-to-day operations is undeniable.

Chatbots provide the possibility of saving costs and providing true 24/7 customer service.

We would be delighted to will help you leverage these tools that were once only available to a select group of big corporations – to help you deliver the best customer experience and help you remain competitive, adaptable, and innovative.

Virtual Assistants will help you to innovate and improve productivity in your team.

The process is simple:

  • We work with you to ask the right questions, analyze the challenges you are facing, and zero in on your priorities.
  • Then we develop your own AI Chatbot.
Our goal is to help our customers become the front runners and pacesetters – regardless of their current size and industry.

Discover How AI Chatbots Can Impact Your Organization!

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Web Scraping The Stock Market

Python has a simple and easy to use web scraping technique to extract revenue and stock price data from any stock on the stock market,

In this instance, we can create a dashboard from historical Facebook data to compare the price of the stock vs the revenue of Facebook.

This easy to create dashboard will not only provide information about the revenue and stock price but it will allow us to see if there is a correlation between the two.

Did you know that Facebook acquired the domain facebook dot com for $200,000 in August 2005?

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us

World Population in 2020

The total population of the world has reached 7.8 billion people.

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World Population 2020. *source: UN

Is World Population Growing?

World population has increased according to the official United Nations population estimates and projections.

World population growth increasing year on year.

The dataset is prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat (UN).

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World Population 1950-2020. *source: UN
Global population is predicted to be 8 billion by the year 2023.

The UN data on world population is a great source of data for a world population review.

The dataset contains annual figures from the past and current world population numbers, starting from 1950 to 2020, as recorded by the United Nations.

The UN dataset also provides annual estimate figures on future global population, with different variants with one showing how global population increasing to potentially over 21 billion people for the world population 2100.

Can the population growth estimates, which include 9 variants or possible outcomes, predict what future world population could be?

World Population 2100.

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World Population 2020-2100. *source: UN
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World Population 2020-2100. *source: UN

Earth Population Today.

It is clearly visible from the world population graph below that Asia and Africa is a major contributor to the earth population.

Asia population estimates show over 4.6 billion people which is 59.9% of the global population and followed by the population of Africa with 1.3 billion.

Africa and Asia account for 77.2% of the world population with a combined figure of almost 6 billion people.

  • World Population 2020 11 by-ids
  • World Population 2020 2 by-ids
  • World Population 2020 1 by-ids
  • World Population 2020 21 by-ids
  • World Population 2020 3 by-ids
  • World Population 2020 a by-ids

2 Most Populated Countries.

The 2 most populated countries are India and China. China is the most populated country in the world.

The following data visualization of UN datasets shows the 2 most populous countries India and China represent a major part of world demographics.

China is the largest country in the world by population with a current population estimated over 1.4 billion people.

India ranks second in world population by country with an estimated population of just under 1.4 billion people.

The 2 most populated countries India and China have an estimated combined total population of over 2.8 billion people. 

India and China, being the largest countries by population and having a total population of over 2.8 billion people, represents 36.4% of the earth population.

As per the chart below, the title for the most populated country is being challenged by India with a rise in population to 1,380,004,000 catching up to China’s 1,439,324,000 people.

  • World Population 2020
  • World Population 2020
  • World Population 2020
  • World Population 2020

Is World Population Decreasing?

Is world population decreasing, is the world population declining? The answer in short is no. Not at the moment.

World population isn’t decreasing or declining as shown by the figures from the United Nations dataset.

Global population will steadily increase up to around the year 2050.

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World Population Increasing 2020-2054. *source:UN

Why World Population Will Decrease?

Will world population decrease?

The United Nations dataset has variants of world population between 2020 and 2100, with different variants for future population predictions.

Of the 9 different variants, 3 variants predict world population could decrease from approximately around years (a) 2054, (b) 2066 or (c) 2074, according to the UN dataset

The 3 variants predict population starting to decrease approximately around the 9 billion mark with decreases approximately between 33 million between 2074-2100, 581 million between 2066-2100 and 1.6 billion between 2054-2100.

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World Population Decreasing 2020-2100. *source:UN

But the question remains to be seen, will world population decline when the other remaining 6 UN variants showing world population increasing? 

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World Population Increasing 2020 -2100. *source: UN

Why World Population Is Growing

The UN dataset shows how world population has increased and what world population today or now was, it will only have increased year on year.

The world population by year datasets show global population growth will continue just as world population has been increasing since UN records began.

It is estimated by the United Nations that the world population 2030 could have reached 8.5 billion and world population 2040’s could reach 10 billion people on planet earth.

Next time, we’ll explore further with more analysis and data visualization of the UN dataset, discovering more about world population increasing, and the top 10 most populated countries.

Please subscribe below to get the latest insights.

To find out more about how Integrate Data Science can work for you with your next data-driven projects, please be sure to contact us via the contact form at the end.


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The Energy Information Agency (EIA) has provided data that shows 25% of America’s power plants can start up (going from being shut down to fully operating) within one hour.

This is based on data collected in EIA’s annual survey of electric generators.

Some power plants, especially those powered by coal and nuclear fuel, require more than half a day to reach full operations.

The time it takes a power plant to reach full operations can affect the reliability and operations of the electric grid.

The EIA post continued to inform that generator startup time differs across electricity-generating technologies because of the differences in the complexity of electricity generating processes, especially when starting again after all processes have been stopped (cold shut down).

EIA stated that most hydroelectric turbines, which use flowing water to spin a turbine, can go from cold start to full operations in less than 10 minutes. Combustion turbines, which use a combusted fuel-air mixture to spin a turbine, are also relatively fast to start up.

Steam turbines often require more time. A fuel heats up water to form steam, and that steam needs to reach certain temperature, pressure, and moisture content thresholds before it can be directed to a turbine that can spin the electricity generator.

The EIA reported that nuclear power plants use steam turbines, but these plants have additional time-intensive processes that involve managing their nuclear fuel. Almost all nuclear power plants require more than 12 hours to reach full operations.

The EIA says power plants that require more than 12 hours to start up are increasingly rare and only 4% of the generating capacity that came online from 2010 to 2019 requires more than half a day to reach full load.

2020-11-22 (3)
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Electric Generator Inventory